10 questions to ask your child after summer camp
Ever wondered what questions to ask your child after summer camp? Camp can be an exciting time for children and all campers, especially those on residential programmes, often find a new level of independence. Whether your camper is about to start their first day camp or is an old-hand at residential camp already, they are experiencing a world that is quite different to their normal lives at home or the familiarity of school.
Your child will have experienced a lot over the camp session, from participating in new activities, exploring new places and learning life lessons about cooperation and friendship. They will have absorbed so much that when they see you again, sometimes it’s difficult for them to know when to start in telling you everything!
Here are a few questions you can ask your camper to get the conversation flowing and learn a bit more about their camp experiences.
- What was your favourite activity at camp this summer?
- What activity did you try for the first time at camp that you would like to do again?
- Tell me about your favourite staff member, why were they your favourite?
- Tell me about 2 new friends that you made at camp?
- How are you going to keep in touch with your camp friends from this summer?
- What did you do this week to help someone else out?
- Where did you go on your excursion day each week?
- What was your favourite food at camp, did you try anything we don’t have at home?
- When did you feel most proud of yourself at camp this week?
- What was your favourite game at camp and can you teach me how to play it?
Your child will love sharing some of their experiences, stories and games with you once they get started! You will be surprised about how much normally untalkative teenagers will have to tell you once they start remembering some of the things they did at camp, and some of these may even turn into new hobbies they want to keep going once they’re back home.