How long are summer camps?
The answer to this question will depend on which summer camp you’re going on. So here are some questions to bear in mind when finding out how long summer camps last.
When can I start summer camp, and when does it end?
June! Summer camps are based around school summer holiday dates. Therefore the majority will start towards the end of June and then finish mid or end of August each year.
Are there camps running in fall, winter or spring?
Camp all year sounds great, doesn’t it?! Some camps do offer programmes all year, which are often targeted at school groups who will visit the camp for a week or weekend during term time, and also for the usual school breaks in October and March/April too. However, most summer camps operate just during the summer months as this is when the longest school holidays are, and when children can make the most of the great summer weather at camp.
At Altitude, our ski school offers group ski and snowboarding day camps which follow a similar structure to the summer day camps and run from 9am – 4pm each day, and include either ski or snowboard lessons with one of our amazing instructors in the morning and afternoon, with a hot lunch included. Most of our summer camp leaders work as instructors in the winter too, so you may end up having the same staff member as summer!
How long can I stay at camp for?
You can sign up for different length summer camp sessions while camp is running.
Camps usually offer shorter sessions for younger or newer campers, and campers who have been going for years normally opt for longer sessions or maybe even the whole summer!
The dates you can join for different length sessions may be set by the camp, and it is best to stick to these if possible, because it means you join camp on the same day as other campers and can all get to know camp and each other together, rather than joining in the middle of a session.
Another big factor determining how long you can go to camp for is how old you are. If you are under the age of 6 or 7, depending on the camp, you’ll most likely only go to day camp. Usually this will be a minimum of a week sign up, but you can go for longer too!
Other camps, usually those with only residential programmes, offer weekend camps to young children. This is like an introductory camp and gives children a chance to try camp before committing to a week or two week overnight session.
At Altitude, we offer a perfect transition for children into residential camp. We offer a day camp which follows the same structure to the residential camp right up till 4pm, the children can try this first for a week to see if they like day camp first, and if they do, sign up to join the residential camp next year, or even the same summer if we have space!
What length camp session shall I sign up for?
There are some important points to consider when you are choosing how long you would like to go to camp for.
How long am I happy to be away from home for?
Camp will tend to run in weekly, 2 week long, 4 week long, or even full summer sessions. This means there is a huge variation of time you can go to camp for. Maybe you’re going on a 3 week holiday, and you would like to do 2 weeks of Camp and then 1 week with your family. Maybe it’s your first time and so you would like to try for a week to see if you like it, or you already know that you LOVE camp so you know you want to spend the whole summer there with your friends!
How long do I think it will take me to settle and adjust to camp life?
It can take a while to settle into new surroundings, therefore if you think it’ll take you a couple days to settle in then maybe 2 weeks or more of camp is perfect for you so you can make the most of your time at camp.
What programmes will the camp be offering during the time I would like to go?
Camps tend to offer their programmes on rotations. For example we offer a 2 week rotation, therefore the most common is for children to come for 1 or 2 weeks, this way they will never repeat the same activities.
The camp I want to go to offers 2 different programmes that I would like to try, what should I do?
Book for 2 weeks or more! This way you can try the first week following one programme and the second week following the other.
If I like the 1st week of camp, is there an option for me to extend?
If there is space in your group and chosen programme then sure! We would love to welcome you again. Bear in mind though, during peak weeks the groups will most likely be full so it’s worth for parents to check this before you come.
If I am home sick, what kind of support will I receive?
There will always be a pastoral care team on hand to help you. Therefore make sure you tell a member of staff at camp, and they can help you through this.
All of the above are questions that you should take time to consider the answer and also important to discuss with your parents. If you have any doubts it’s important to ask the camp staff questions so that they know the best way to help you achieve your goals at camp! But remember, you are going to camp for you! So it is important that you make the right decisions so that you can make this the best summer of your life!
If you have any other questions about camp life please don’t hesitate to contact us.